Sore testicles and testicular problems are not limited to testicular cancer. Dr. Hayden will consult each patient to determine the best course of action to pursue, and - if necessary - the most appropriate method of testicular problem treatment.
Orchiolysis and pexy of undescended testis (sometimes combined laparoscopic and open)
About 1 in every 25 boys are born with undescended testicles. This is easily corrected by orchiopexy surgery, which is testicular surgery aimed at the fixation of an undescended testicle. The orchiopexy technique (also known as orchidopexy) involves moving the undescended testicle into the correct place in the scrotum (orchiolysis) and permanently fixing it there (pexy). Depending on the individual case, Dr. Hayden might pursue a combination of open surgery and laparoscopic orchiopexy procedure to effect the management of undescended testis. The recovery time from the orchiopexy procedure is up to about 2 weeks. Undescended testes are at an increased risk of developing testicular cancer, even if successfully placed in the scrotum. Therefore regular self-examination of the testes is very strongly advocated.
De-torsion and pexy of testicular torsion (sometimes orchiectomy needed)
Testicular torsion occurs when the spermatic cord becomes twisted, and ordinary blood flow to the testicle becomes interrupted. This condition can be extremely painful and damaging if left untreated, and therefore will require immediate testicular torsion treatment. Dr. Hayden will conduct testicular torsion surgery by making an incision and attempting to correct the twisted testicle by hand (this is known as manual de-torsion), before using an orchiopexy technique to move the testicle back into its correct place and fixing it there. The recovery time from testicular torsion surgery is usually 1 - 2 weeks before normal physical activity can be resumed.
Repair of traumatic rupture
A ruptured testicle is usually caused by blunt force trauma to the area, and will require immediate surgical repair of the testicular rupture. This is a severe form of testicular injury and requires surgical intervention to manage the resultant testicular trauma.
Biopsy as part of workup and treatment for male infertility
When consulting with a patient to investigate possible causes of male infertility, Dr. Hayden might do a testicular biopsy procedure. A testicular biopsy for infertility is a test to see if a man is biologically able to father a child, and involves Dr. Hayden making a small incision in the scrotum to retrieve a tissue sample for later laboratory testing. If a sample is taken from both testicles, then this is called a bilateral testicular biopsy. The recovery time from a testicular biopsy is relatively short, usually only 2 - 5days.
Radical orchiectomy (for testicular tumour)
If a patient has a testicular tumour, to prevent the cancer from spreading through the spermatic cord, Dr. Hayden will advise radical orchiectomy surgery (complete testicle removal). The orchiectomy procedure involves an incision in the patient’s groin area (referred to as an inguinal orchiectomy) and the complete surgical removal of one or both testicles and the spermatic cord. Recovery time from a radical orchiectomy is often not long, and regular follow-up tests and checks will be required. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy is often needed after radical orchiectomy for testicular tumour.
Bilateral orchiectomy (for advanced / metastatic prostate cancer)
In the case of patients with advanced or metastatic prostate cancer, a bilateral orchiectomy (testicle removal surgery) might be ordered to stop the body’s production of testosterone, which prostate cancer requires for its growth and proliferation. A prostate cancer orchiectomy can be extremely effective in alleviating symptoms and prolonging survival for prostate cancer patients. Recovery time from a bilateral orchiectomy procedure is usually about 2-4 weeks, though regular follow-up tests will certainly be required.
Repair of hydrocele
A hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac (often of unknown cause), that can surround the testicles and lead to scrotum discomfort or pain. Hydrocele are common in newborns and infants, are often not painful and often resolve spontaneously. Adolescents and adults might need to seek hydrocele treatment. Hydrocele surgery, also known as hydrocelectomy, involves Dr. Hayden making a small incision in the scrotum. It is the most effective method of hydrocele repair. The recovery time from the surgical repair of a hydrocele is about 2-4 weeks (for full physical activity), but patients should be able to return to work in 4-7 days.
Undescended testicle repair carries the following risks:
- Pain Slight risk of damage to the testicles or surrounding tissues Excessive bleeding Infection at the surgical incision site Uncommonly, an adverse reaction to anaesthesia
- To diagnose and start treatment of testicular cancer
- As an option to treat advanced prostate and breast cancer